Upcoming Events

Annual Sax Zim Bog Trip

February 2-4, 2024

Please see Sign Up Genius for availability and to RSVP!

Join the Kestrels for our 3rd annual adventure to the Sax Zim Bog in northern Minnesota.

This hot spot for owl and boreal species draws birders from all over the world. Great Grey Owl, Northern Hawk Owl, Boreal Chickadee, Pine Grosbeak, and Black-billed Magpie are just a few of the area specialties.

Please email TheKestrelsMN@gmail.com with any questions.

HOTEL: we have a discounted block of rooms at the Radisson Harborview in Duluth for $99/night. A two-night stay is required for this discounted rate. There are two ways to book:

  • Call (800) 333-3333 and request “Kestrels MN Group” for the discounted rate.
  • Book online at the Choice Hotels site.

The cut off to reserve a room in this block is January 2, 2024.

To coordinate carpools and room-sharing, please use the Facebook Event Page.

SUNDAY GUIDED BIRDING: We will hire three guides based on interest. There will be an additional fee for this, typically between $30-$35, depending on how many participants sign up. This is an optional add-on. Last year it yielded many of us a lifer Northern Hawk Owl!

Any additional meet-ups for Friday evening, Saturday, and Saturday evening will be coordinated as we draw closer to the trip.

Rio Grande Valley (FULL)

January 15-19, 2024

Three days of guided birding around the Rio Grande Valley with Tiffany Kersten of Nature Ninja Tours.

Four nights of lakeside comfort at the Peculiar Nest in McAllen, TX.

Space for 13-15 birders, depending on accommodation preferences. $400 deposit required to hold a spot. 

$1500 includes room, food, guide, and transportation during tours.

A past trip report during a similar time frame is viewable on ebird!

A shuttle from McAllen International Airport to the Peculiar Nest B&B will be available January 15th from 1-5PM. A shuttle from the Peculiar Nest B&B to McAllen International Airport will be available on January 19th until 12PM. Arrivals and departures outside of these times will require a 10 minute Uber/Lyft at your expense.

This trip is currently full. To be placed on the waitlist, please email TheKestrelsMN@gmail.com.

Past Events

2023 Sax Zim Bog Weekend 

FEB 11, 2023 AT 7 AM – FEB 12, 2023 AT 3 PM

 Use the Sign Up Link to RSVP: 

Join the Kestrels for our 2nd annual adventure to Sax Zim Bog in Northern MN. This hot spot for owl and boreal specialties draws birders from all over the world. Great Grey Owl, Hawk Owl, Boreal Chickadee, Pine Grosbeak and Black Billed Magpie are just a few of the area specialties.

HOTEL: Days Inn Miller Hill in Duluth has a “birders rate” of $79 – 

SUNDAY GUIDED BIRDING: We will hire 2+ guides based on interest. There will be a fee for this. Remember to tip your guides. RSVP in the SignUp.

BIRDING MEET-UPS: We will coordinate meet-ups on Sat, Sat night dinner, and Sun (for people not on the guided outings). More info on these to come.